21 Days to Soul Energy Alignment

The 21 day email course & mini masterclass that gives heart-centred entrepreneurs the first steps towards creating & living an aligned life and business - one that sparks your soul, feels energetically right for you & enables you to create the impact & change you know you're here to bring about.

What they already do

You've possibly spent months or even years, dipping your toes into the world of self development, working on yourself, your beliefs, mindset & self care. You may already have some spiritual rituals & habits in place.

And maybe your business is doing ok too. Things are ticking over - yet you're still trying, to find more balance, more peace & more connection - with yourself, your business & your life.

... because it feels like you have all the right pieces but they're not quite aligning up how you want.

So what would help shift that?

Something that could give you clarity on how those pieces fit together for you. Something that will help move your & your business forward into alignment AND give you the steps & motivation to get started.

21 Days to Soul Energy Alignment gives you...

  • Space & time to listen to your soul's needs & review where you're currently at

  • Clarity around why it's feeling 'off'

  • Confidence & trust that you intuitively know what's the best way forward for you

  • Renewed motivation & excitment knowing you & your business are beautifully aligned

  • An action plan that suits you & has the steps you need, to get back into soul & energy alignment with your business again.

Ready to start your journey towards Soul Energy Alignment?

Here's what you'll learn inside

21 Days to Soul Energy Alignment

  • How to connect in with your soul & start trusting yourself more

  • Get clear on what sparks joy & what sucks the life out of your energy - & how to begin integrating that within your business!

  • How to audit what you're already doing, so you can see what's not working

  • A practical plan of action to start getting it back in line again

  • Simple strategies to bring more authenticity into your business - from that back office admin through to the client work you do

  • How to start honouring your needs more - so you can be more authentic & aligned with yourself, your life & business, without giving away your power & energy

21 Days to Soul Energy Alignment Includes...

  • Bite-sized lessons emailed to you on a daily basis

  • Mini masterclass giving you an overview to Soul Energy Alignment

  • Delivered straight to your inbox

  • Immediate start & lifetime access (simply save the emails & worksheets!)

  • Easy to implement

  • Designed to kickstart your alignment journey & get you results from the get-go!

And yes, this course is just £33!

Hi, I'm Sarah!

Soul Energy Alignment Coach, host of the Your Soul Sparks podcast and Entrepreneur.

I'm here to empower you to step into your soul's highest frequency and achieve true life and business freedom.

One where you're living and working in ease and flow, honouring your values, mission, ethics and integrity, whilst creating abundance, wealth, love, joy and fun, along the way..

You Might Be Wondering...

Isn't £33 too little for a course like this?

Nope! It's just the right size for this entry-level offer that is going to give you the first steps you need to take, towards getting your life and business more aligned with your energy and soul!

Is this course going to be everything I need to totally align my life and business?

No, but this course is going to get you started and get you taking some action towards being more in alignment at an energetic and soul level. And once you get started you'll have a clearer idea of what you need to do, in order to get further down the track and towards total alignment - because everyone's journey is different and each step unique to their needs and wants.

I'm worried about the time commitment - am I going to need to spend hours on each day's topic?

The content is delivered over 21 days, straight to your inbox, but you can go at your own pace. You may find on some days the topic is something that dictates you don't have much to do (either because you've got that area covered already, it's a quick one-done thing, or it's simply not relevant to you), whilst others need a deeper dive - due to the nature of the topic or how deep you want to explore. The key thing is to start where you are & do what you're able - even if that's scheduling time in your calendar for when you're free to focus.

I have another question that you haven't answered yet.

Simple send me a message via social media or email - you'll find all my contact details and available options on my 'Contact Me' page.

Let's get you started on your journey to Soul Energy Alignment!

© Copyright 2024 Sarah McKenna. All Rights Reserved.