Advanced Energy Healing

with Sarah McKenna

Shift, Align & Upgrade Your Energy, Your Life & Your Business.

Powerful techniques that clear your energy, elevate your frequency & create permanent change.

"Activate your frequency and step into soul energy alignment."

Imagine how your life and business would change...

If you took the time to invest in your energy work, raised your frequency and enabled yourself to work from your highest frequency.

You may already be doing some form of energy and self development work.

But some energy work is outdated, using 3D methodology and focusing on surface-level healing.

Self development techniques are often great at highlighting what needs to change.

But they’re not always effective (or able!) to clear conscious and subconscious energy blockages that are currently preventing you from stepping into your full potential in an aligned way, whilst also nurturing your nervous system and raising your frequency.

So imagine how it will feel to...

  • Love and respect yourself unconditionally, owning who you are.

  • Trust yourself to make conscious, aligned choices and actions.

  • Create and live a life that is truly aligned to your soul’s truth.

  • Remove the pressure and expectations you’re putting on yourself.

  • Drop the fear and doubts around your abilities and potential.

  • Let go of the stress to succeed, based purely on other’s opinions of you.

  • Attract in all the stability and wealth you desire.

  • Hold on to the love, joy and happiness you know you deserve.

  • Enjoy the natural, successful, abundant, energetic flow of life.

Imagine how it will feel, to feel complete, aligned, loved, and ready to claim your power and success.

Know the more you clear and raise your energetic frequency internally, the more you’ll effortlessly attract, create, and experience externally.

Why Is This Energy Work Different?

It's a combination of both the Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse and Energy Clearing Codes®, which work together to create a more advanced healing and clearing experience.

  • Clear and remove energetic blocks and limiting beliefs from your energy system.

  • Realign and increase your flow of energy to allow more light into your body, raising your frequency.

  • Works at an advanced level as it works with your entire Energy System - including your 12 meridians, 7 energetic bodies, and 15 Ascension Chakras.

The Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse focuses on 15 Ascension Chakras - unlike traditional 3D energy healing methods that only focus on 7 chakras.

It also helps clear deep-rooted blockages and emotional imprints at a cellular DNA level and enables you to clear and align the energy within your entire energy system.

And this helps raise your frequency from 3D to 5D and start you on your Ascension Journey.

There are 8 Energy Clearing Codes® within The Conscious Energy Clearing Method® and we use two during each of your Energy Clearing Code sessions -

- The Self Worth Code

- The Judgement Code

- The Money Code

- The Joy Code

- The Abundance Code

- The Expert Code

- The Sabotage Code

- The Self Trust Code

Each Code focuses on clearing past traumas and trapped energy from your energy field, working at a deep level to remove old fears, doubts, anxieties, as well as any stress and emotions that no longer serve your highest good - freeing you up to become the YOU you want to be.

And when you combine the Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse and The Energy Clearing Codes® together,
we can awaken your truth, raise your vibrational frequency, and help you fully step into energetic alignment with yourself at a soul level.

Know that you are carrying out the work on your own energy and I am just guiding you through the process - so you have complete control and ownership of the energy work you do.

"I am ready to clear, heal and elevate my frequency."

Who Is This Advanced Energy Healing Package For?

Anyone over 18 years old can enjoy the Energy Clearing Codes®. I work primarily with awakened on and offline business owners, therapists, coaches and healers. 

You don’t need to be all Woo to enjoy this Advanced Healing Package either! The Energy Clearing Codes® are science-backed, which suits my position as a certified Energy Healer. What’s more important is that you believe in the power of energy work and want to clear whatever’s holding you back.

Why Work On My Energy?

Stuck or blocked energy can impact you in so many ways - from limiting beliefs and mindset issues, through to stress, anxiety and physical ailments. Because it’s something that, if left ignored, will build up over time, leading to problems and burnout further down the line. And let’s face it - we’re often VERY good at ignoring the signs! We tend to ignore how we’re feeling, what signals our bodies are showing us, and what our intuition is nudging us to notice.

That’s why it’s so important to get into the habit of working on your energy - to clear these things before they become a bigger problem.

If you’re tired of not getting the results you want, of underachieving, holding yourself back from the things you want, and self sabotaging yourself along the way - why wait? This Advanced Energy Healing package is designed to help you, so take advantage of this!

What You Get!

There will be 2 x 60 minute Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse sessions and 2 x 60 minute Energy Clearing Codes, along with a follow-up 2-3 months after. (There's also an 'Extra' option to double up on the calls!).

There's also a questionnaire to complete prior to the first call - this helps me choose 2 of the Energy Clearing Codes for each of your Code session and allows me to prepare some self-care exercises for you to do between sessions.

The Transformation!

If you’ve been feeling stuck, blocked, and frustrated with yourself and your results, you’re not alone. It can feel like you’re always trying but are still holding yourself back somehow. 

And it’s easy to push those feelings back inside, pretending it’s all ok - when the whole time you’re getting more and more disappointed and frustrated, stepping further out of alignment with yourself, your dreams and goals, and desperately wishing that the Universe would just work with you for once!

It doesn’t have to be like this. I was just like you, feeling all the frustrations and berating myself over the lack of progress. I'm pretty sure I went through my adult years going around in circles, repeating the same mistakes, over and over. I was tired of feeling stuck and confused, unaccomplished and unfulfilled. 

Don't get me wrong, there were successes and wins mixed in there, and I worked so hard on myself, my life and my business, but there was a niggling feeling that was always there - I wasn't truly happy. 

It wasn't until I signed up for some advanced energy clearing sessions that I really noticed a big difference. I felt lighter, freer, clearer. I felt like I had finally shaken off the limiting beliefs and mindset issues that had kept me repeating the same cycles over and over. 

I felt I was finally free to be me. 

That's why I knew I just had to invest in becoming a certified Conscious Energy Clearing Method® practitioner and an Atlantean Advanced Energy practitioner. I now have these powerful modalities to help my clients at a deep level - to really shift those energetic blocks that are holding them back, so they can get the results they desperately need and want.

Because you deserve more, and you deserve to experience the transformation these powerful energy healing and clearing modalities can bring. You deserve to step into energetic alignment so you can achieve true life and business success.

Testimonials - What My Clients Say About Working With Me...

The audit was very well structured and gave me a lot of clarity on where I am and what exactly do I need. Sarah's support and energy are pure magic!

I took action straight after the session ended and started seeing results within a week! I also have plans to keep doing those audits with Sarah every quarter - that's how much I enjoyed it!

Kenz Soliman - Her Digital Business

I had a wonderful Advanced Atlantean Energy Healing chakra session with Sarah. She held a lovely relaxing space and I felt held throughout.

After the session I had a lasting feeling of calm and inner peace, and felt a deeper connection to myself. It was a gorgeous way to raise my vibrational energy. I'd definitely recommend a session with Sarah

Helen Price - Holistic Business Mentor

I don't consider myself to be spiritual or woo in any way but I found myself intrigued enough to want to find out more about energy clearing. I booked a session with Sarah and told her how sceptical I was. She was really lovely and talked me through the whole process.

During the session I was really surprised and fascinated to notice physical reactions within my body, as well as mental. A few weeks on I have to admit that I am amazed. I feel like a weight has lifted and I feel fabulous.

I would thoroughly recommend Sarah. Her expertise and guidance made the whole experience both interesting and transformative.

Clare Tebbett - Marketing & Business Strategist

"It can take just 4 minutes to clear that energetic block that’s been holding you back, transform your energy system & create permanent change."

Energy Healing Package

  • Includes a pre-session quesionnaire

  • 2 x 60 minute Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse sessions

  • 2 x 60 minute Energy Clearing sessions - to include 4 of the Energy Clearing Codes® and self-care rituals to do following and between sessions.

    (Split payment options also available.)


Energy Healing Package Extra

  • Includes a pre-session quesionnaire

  • 4 x 60 minute Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse sessions

  • 4 x 60 minute Energy Clearing sessions - to include all 8 of the Energy Clearing Codes® and self-care rituals to do following and between sessions.

    (Split payment options also available.)


Why I Do What I Do...

Hello! I'm Sarah

Soul Energy Alignment Coach, Podcaster & Entrepreneur, Founder of the Your Soul Sparks Brand.

My mission is to help spiritual entrepreneurs and New Earth leaders like yourself, better understand themselves, so they can step into their soul’s highest frequency and achieve true life & business freedom.

One where they’re living and working in ease and flow, honouring their values, mission, ethics and integrity, and creating abundance, wealth, love, joy and fun, along the way.

I love seeing my clients align with themselves at a deep soul and energetic level, so they can step into the highest version of themselves and create the positive impact they’re here to create. It’s why I do what I do.

My vision is to leave a legacy that goes way beyond me, and leave an imprint forever on NEW Earth.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are my sessions?

Once payment has been received, I’ll be in touch to send you the pre-energy cleansing questionnaire, you’ll also receive my calendar link so you can book in your sessions at a date and time to suit you.

Please note, sessions need to be booked at least a week apart, to give yourself enough time to realign your energetic system and keep your nervous system calm.

Does it work instantly?

Clients have had instant results, where they’re feeling clearer, more positive and energetically aligned. 

Results and the time it takes for results to show are unique for everyone, as so much can influence it. Things like how much energy work you’ve already done, the depth of impact past traumas have had on your energetic and nervous systems, your belief system around energy work, all play a part in the results you achieve.

The Advanced Atlantean Full Body 15 Chakra Cleanse is something that can be carried out regularly, to keep your energy clear. Some of the Energy Clearing Codes can also be repeated, both to work on new levels of energy blocks and also to clear deeper blockages.

How will this type of energy work help me in life & business?

It helps you in so many different ways!

It helps calm the nervous system and aligns your energy, so you feel more in control of yourself, your mind and your actions. There’s no more holding yourself back with limiting beliefs, lack of confidence or a fear of stepping up. You’ll be working and living in energetic flow and alignment with your soul’s truth.

You will believe in yourself and your ability to consciously create the life and business you want. This means taking responsibility for yourself, your mindset, your energy and your energetic frequency.

And it helps by raising your energetic frequency so you can start your Ascension journey. Where you’re living and working in line with your true soul’s mission and calling.

Will I be able to record my sessions?

You are welcome to record your session. You’ll be given permission to record it to your own device, at the start of our call together.

Is there a refund policy or guarantee?

There are no refund policies available or guarantees in place, due to the nature of this work. Everyone's experiences are very personal, some rapid instant changes can occur, whilst others take time. 

© Copyright 2024 Sarah McKenna. All Rights Reserved.