
Online Marketing, Authentic Business Practices, Soul Alchemy & Alignment In Life & Business

#6: Staying In Your Own Lane

#6: Staying In Your Own Lane

Staying in your own lane is a phrase that’s often been used to keep us in check, limiting our movements, especially as women & entrepreneurs. But here's how you can use it to free yourself & step more... ...more


October 25, 20232 min read

#5: How To Be Kind To Yourself

#5: How To Be Kind To Yourself

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. It takes a special kind of person to even start out on that path & something to be celebrated! Yet we often berate ourselves when we’re not yet where we want to be! H... ...more


October 18, 20232 min read

#4: Stepping Into Soul's Alchemy

#4: Stepping Into Soul's Alchemy

Soul alchemy comes when you’re in alignment at a soul & energetic level, but it's also something many don’t fully understand or utilise. Rather than seeing alchemy as a bit weird or ‘woo woo’, here's ... ...more


October 11, 20231 min read

#3: Religion & The Coaching World

#3: Religion & The Coaching World

Now I’m not really religious in the traditional sense. But no matter how much I try to avoid religion, there are elements of it that impact on my ability & capacity to run a successful life and coachi... ...more


October 04, 20231 min read

#2: Stop Emotional Overwhelm

#2: Stop Emotional Overwhelm

The idea of 'doing what it takes' can feel overwhelming & scary. But with a simple reframe it can feel a lot more aligned & motivating. Here's how to make that mindset switch, to get excited & not sca... ...more


October 04, 20232 min read

#1: Doing What It Takes

#1: Doing What It Takes

The idea of 'doing what it takes' can feel overwhelming & scary. But with a simple reframe it can feel a lot more aligned & motivating. Here's how to make that mindset switch, to get excited & not sca... ...more


October 04, 20231 min read

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